PE Uniforms No Longer Required

On Monday this week (the 29th of March) a change in the Physical Education system was brought to the attention of The Flame by the P.E Department. The Department issued a statement to The Flame which read:

“The P.E Department would like to announce that the new P.E uniforms will no longer be a requirement for P.E classes. This change will be announced in P.E classes on Friday and will be in effect following the return to school after Spring Break.”

Following this sudden statement, The Flame arranged a private interview with Mike Lakwijk, the head of the P.E Department. When questioned as to the reasoning behind this, Mr. L said that instead of being used during P.E, the uniforms will “serve as a means to support UNIS teams during tournaments in school.”

He then explained the reasoning behind this decision: “Having everyone wear the uniforms in support of the UNIS teams will then collectively strengthen the morale of the students and will show a message of unity to everyone.”

This decision comes several months after a previous article on The Flame in which Mr. Lakwijk advocated for the new P.E uniforms. Our local Flame expert on the topic of uniforms has analyzed the situation and has said that this most likely comes not from student backlash, but from calculated effort to boost school morale and school spirit during tournaments.According to the expert, the P.E department has most likely noticed the lack of support for UNIS teams in tournaments here at UNIS and has decided that the best approach is to keep the idea of unity that comes in uniforms – and push that idea in supporting teams.

The Flame was able to confirm this with Mr. Lakwijk, who stated: “This is indeed the reasoning behind it, and the P.E department hopes that all parties will be happy with this change.

This article is a satirical piece to commemorate April Fools’ Day. Please do not treat the content of this article with seriousness.