The Angel of Death: MOCK exam

This week is just another 5 days of ordinary studying for students in grade 11 and below. However, to our honorable seniors, it’s no ordinary time but the one and only Mock Exams.

One callous PE room with desks in straight lines, abundant foods in the common room, eye bags under eyebags, books and notebooks constantly in their opened states….these are the symptoms of the “IB UNIS mock exams” disease.

The usual questions from those who don’t know are: What is it for?  Why do they have such a big exam in the middle of quarter 3? Why is it so intimidating? Will I have to take it?

For those who will take IB diploma, this is a definition from Ehow: “Mock exams, which are not submitted to the organization for grading, allow students and their teachers to assess their readiness for the formal IB examinations required for an IB diploma.” For those who won’t take IB, as long as you stay in school, you’ll see them as well.

Mock exams’ result is some sort of a pre – verdict for whether a student passes or fails IB followed by and his/her predicted grade. If the result is bad, those students will have to study frantically for the 6 weeks before the exams. If the result is good, those students will also have to study frantically for the next 6 weeks cause it’s still, afterall, the IB exam. No one knows what will happen in the end.

Mock Exam is indeed terrifying because of two reasons. First, this exam is followed by a much more terrifying one; both of them test the knowledge learned in 2 years. Secondly, it’s a big exam, who is not scared of exams?

However, it usefulness cannot be denied. A survey was sent out to Unis seniors and all of those who did the survey said they find the Mock exam useful. Sincere thanks to our beloved students who did the survey and good luck to the entire grade 12 on their mock exams as well as IB exams. Below are some of the funny responses:

Question 1: Define “MOCK EXAM” in one or two sentences.

Hell hath come. ‘Twas too early.
Exams that mock your ability to study, forcing us into a working frenzy as we struggle to review 2 years’ worth of content in a week’s time. It’s a way, it’s a kick-start we need to get our minds focused and start preparing for the real exams.
exams that mock your intelligence
Why is MOCK always in capital letters?
Realizing the reality of your IB grade


Question 2:  So far, how do you feel with your performance in MOCK test?

Not good
I’d rather die before MOCK test starts
Good but I’d rather I have another week preparation


Question 3: Do you think your exam’s grade will be better than MOCK’s?

definitely. i’d rather die if this was the real exam
I’d rather die than thinking about Exam
I really don’t know actually. The IB is very unpredictable… kind of

These are actually all of the responses.

