Last year UNIS had an unexpected farewell from Mr. Jon McCleod. Although Mr. McCleod only stayed for a short period, students are thankful of his guidance and participation at UNIS. However, with this new change comes a newest addition to UNIS as the students and faculty members welcome the new Middle School/High School Principal, Mr. Pete Kennedy. The Flame had a chance to interview Mr. Kennedy about his career as a principal and his experiences so far with UNIS and Hanoi.

Where are you from?
I’m originally from New York. I’ve been an overseas teacher for twenty years or so.
Where were you before UNIS?
I was an investment banker in New York City before I became a teacher, so I worked on Wall Street for a while. Then I travelled to New York, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, back to Japan, to the US for two years, then to Brazil, to Sudan, then to Rome, and now to UNIS.
How long have you been in Vietnam?
I’ve been in Vietnam now since July 2, so two weeks? I have a house, with a mattress, and the internet. (laughs) Eventually I will think of the furniture when we get there, but mattress and internet. What more do you need?
What are your favourite things so far living in Hanoi?
I really like the people. Living in Asia most of my overseas life, a lot of Asian cultures are very reserved. What surprises me is how funny people are here. Like the cab drivers are very funny. They tell you stuff, they walk up to you and say, “You’re really skinny!” They’re really outgoing. People are very funny and engaging, more outgoing than I am accustomed to. Everyone talks to me and I really enjoy it. The only thing that I’m concerned about is that it seems a little polluted in the air. Otherwise the food’s been great, the people are really nice, I’m really excited to explore other parts of Vietnam as well.
How long are you planning to stay in UNIS?
I don’t know yet. Probably at least three years, because I want to get involved in the community and service activities outside of Hanoi as well.
What do you enjoy as a principal?
I like the big picture—I’m a big picture guy. I really enjoy the classroom, because I have my students in a smaller group, but when you’ve been doing it for eighteen years, you start seeing a bigger picture so instead of herding a small group, I like to herd the big group now. I like all the different tasks I have to do, like every minute I’m doing assembly, I’m talking to parents, I’m writing the curriculum, it’s really really diversified. You’re asked to do a lot of different things and I really enjoy that.
What do you look forward to as a principal at UNIS?
Well I’m really big on the fact that the students should take responsible for their own learning. Especially high school students, they need to be role models for the younger students. But basically gearing up, having a lot enthusiasm, ready to have a good time but take your studies seriously. This is your time to explore. I really want people to be involved, and I think that’s what we’re looking for.