Yesterday, results are in for the new 16 Senate Representatives to be joining the 2013 -2014 Senate along with the 5 student officers. They are listed here (in a nice, orderly and colored table!):
We ask the Senate Officers to give three words to describe this year’s election:
Vice-President Michael Emblem three words for this year’s elections are: “commemoration, joyous and fun!” He especially praises the Tae Heog Yan’s speech on “‘wierdos’ help running the world” and Byung Jun Park’s speech, “really convinced everyone that he is a good candidate”.
Communication officer Duong Nguyen’s three words are “exciting, surprising, and worrying”, while Secretary Jonas Fiebrantz says: “lots of potential”
Treasurer Quynh Anh sums it up with: “Candidates made speeches….AHHAHA”
Anonymously, one expresses a lot of surprise with the results, “worry that they might bring the Senate down”.