There was a book sale held on 30th November and 1st of December. To put this together, each class got 3 baskets for students to donate books which have been gently used. They were divided into 3 categories- books for young adult and adults, foreign language books and books for young children. If the book is in foreign language you have to write the language on pencil inside of the book. Each grade level homeroom that collected the most books got to have pizza party!
Most of the books cost around 10.000 ~ 20.000 VND. They sold books in front of the canteen. On November 30th people could buy adults’ book any time, children’s book after 3: 30, and MS and HS students could go and buy books at lunch time. Dec 1st people could buy adults’ book at any time and children’s book from 8:30 to 12:45.
The classes which donated the most books and who will be getting the pizza party are: 6WR (449 books), 7LG (472 books) and 8MH (201 books). Congratulations!